Professor Wang Fei gave a Keynote Presentation at the second plenary meeting of the International Network of Salt Affected Soils (INSAS) of FAO in Uzbekistan
The second plenary meeting of the International Network of Salt Affected Soils (INSAS) and the training of the Global Soil Laboratory Network on salt-affected soil analysis was organized by The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) of FAO, the sub-regional Eurasian Soil Partnership (EASP) and the FAO country office in Uzbekistan in Tashkent/Nukus, Uzbekistan, 22-26 May 2023. There are more than 200 delegates from 28 countries and FAO and its regional branches attending this event from. The participants from China, USA, Japan, Uzbekistan, Spain, Kazakhstan, Iran, Netherlands, etc. share their knowledge on the salinization problems and the management technologies and approaches.
Professor Wang Fei, the Deputy Director of Institute of Soil and Water Conservation was invited to participate this event. He gave a keynote presentation in the Opening Session entitled with “Double desalinization approach (DDA) as integrated for salt affected soil management in water shortage region”, and shared some experiences as experts of 2 Panel Sessions of “Addressing soil salinity and irrigation challenges through introducing advanced technologies in Central Asia” and “Managing soil salinization in arable areas of Central Asia: causes, impacts, best practices, and regional cooperation”.

In his presentation, Prof. Wang Fei describe the problem of salinization worldwide and show his opinion the desalinization might be the best way to reduce the continuous water consumption every year unless the salt was abstracted from soil and water When considering the impacts of salts in soil and the wetland. He shared the framework and core technology system of “double desalinization approach (DDA)” of soil salinization measure, especially in arid areas like the Aral Sea Area, and describe its functions in several aspects, such as reduction of the duplicated water consumption of salts in soils, decreasing the salt storm its risks to environment and human health, and recover the regional natural resources and agriculture. The DDA could be used in Central Asia Areas because the water resources there has been declining for several decades that DDA gained a wide and great attention in the whole events including the field excursion.